Augmentative and Alternative Communication

 Some children benefit from the use of Alternative Communication approaches as they continue to strive for verbal communication

We at Ponte Vedra Speech, Language, and Learning offer trials of various alternatives to verbal speech and facilitate in the selection and ordering of speech-generating devices.

What is a Speech-Generating Device?

A SGD is often an iPad loaded with an app (and nothing else) that offers icons that “talk.” SGD’s can offer children who have limited expressive language or who are completely unintelligible due to a severe motor speech disorder the chance to be heard and experience the power of language while they work towards effective verbal communication.

If my child gets a SGD, will he/she be tempted to just use that and not try to practice talking? No. Studies have shown that SGDs offer children the ability to experience successful communication, encouraging them to communicate more. Many children who are minimally verbal end up speaking more after the use of an SGD.