Early Intervention

Is Your Little One Aged Birth – Three Not Talking as Much as You’d Expect?

PVSL&L offers play-based therapy for young children who haven’t met their milestones.

“Why not wait a bit to see if my child grows out of it?”

For young children who are delayed in their language development, early intervention is the key.

The early years of children’s lives are critical for their development. Children’s brains are full of neural connections, and those they don’t use will begin to get pruned. Children who start speech therapy early can often overcome or mitigate developmental speech and language disorders, yet the reverse is also the case: those who wait can experience a harder time overcoming the issues later.

Here at PVSL&L, we work together with families to teach you how to create the ideal language-learning environment for your young child. As your child learns and grows, we modify our approach and model ideas for ways to stimulate your child to learn the next steps.

Play-based language therapy for little ones who haven’t met their milestones

Some Milestones:

  • Birth-3 months: makes vowel sounds “ooh” and “aaah”, stirs when someone talks, smiles or gets quiet when someone speaks
  • 3-6 months: starts to babble “bababa”, “mamama”, or “gagaga”, enjoys toys that make sound and music, coos (makes a variety of sounds)
  • 6-9 months: understands no/bye, starts imitating some speech sounds, responds to his or her name
  • 9-12 months: says “Mama” or “Dada” with purpose, points to some objects when asked, repeats some simple words or sounds, plays peek-a-boo
  • 12-18 months: uses 10-50 words, puts some words together like “all gone,” or “more apple”, follows simple commands
  • 18-24 months: has 50-300 words, identifies body parts, understands and responds to wh- questions, uses 2-3 word sentences, uses no/not in utterances, uses his/her own name
  • 24-30 months: has 300-450 words, understands time concepts such as today and tomorrow, uses “me”, answers “where” questions, talks to other children, uses past tense and plurals, understands big/little
  • 30-36 months: his/her speech becomes easier to understand, uses 3-4 word sentences mostly

Concerned about your child not hitting speech and language milestones?